Friday 20 March 2015

What am I doing?

I am trying to establish my brand.

How have I decided to market myself?

  • Social Media 

Who is my Ideal Customer?

  • My ideal customer for my brand will have to be someone over the age of 25 who is interested in history or international relations. I would like to attract a person who is also into academia and hold an interest in helping the less fortunate or "differently-abled".  would one day like to lecture at a college institution. this will be of utmost importance because I would to network with people who and I have common interest so as to add to my knowledge share my experiences.

Why did I choose this visual representation?
  • I chose the picture with a landscape showing the flowers, grass and the sky because it reflects a how one can look at a view and see different things. It also plays on the word "perspective" in the name of my blog. This picture also make one feel at peace which is what I would like for all persons to feel.
  • Blue is used because blue indicates confidence, reliability and responsibility. It relates to one-to-one communication rather than mass communication. It inspires wisdom and higher ideals but is also conservative and predictable.

  • Blue is calming, reducing tension and fear. It slows the pulse rate and reduces appetite. Being a cool color it creates a sensation of space.
  • Blue adds strength and unity, and is therapeutic to the mind and body. It brings harmony to the spoken word.

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