Monday 16 March 2015

Hi everyone,

I am Marcella Berkeley,  I live on the lovely island in the Caribbean known as Saint Christopher or as famously called- St. Kitts. My mantra is "failure is not an option". Maya Angelou's quote, I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it," is a quote that I find aptly portrays my attitude and what I see been exhibited by the persons that I help in the society(the disabled).

I hold the values of excellence, ambition and family very close to my heart. I have a keen interest in world events and a love for the disabled. I have been working with the the disabled organisation in my country for over 18 years. I have been a teacher of history and social studies for 13 years at the high school level. I would one day like to work as a freelance journalist or a higher level in academia where I can impart my knowledge on students at the tertiary level.

In this blog I plan on giving my prospective on world events and highlighting the plight of the disabled in St. Kitts. I know this is an eclectic mix but this is the vision for my blog.

Map of the Caribbean showing St.Kitts and Nevis

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